Thursday, June 5, 2008

Where Things Are Headed at HSAB

Hello Strangers! A spate of grading, followed by a roof tear-off and re-roofing job on my house kept me very busy (and sore) over the past couple weeks. But, all that is behind me. Standing before me now, wide-eyed and inviting, is my friend summer. And she is beautiful!

For the first time in four or five years I am NOT teaching a summer session. Instead, I will be focusing on three different writing projects. One is a paper on human nature and life after death which will be delivered in Austria at the end of July as part of a conference jointly sponsored by the metanexus institute and the departments of philosophy and theology at the University of Innsbruck. I'll be joining Dean Zimmerman, Eric Olson, Hud Hudson and Steve Davis as a plenary speaker. What an incredible privilege to be on the same bill as these folks. I'll be delivering a paper titled Constitution, Resurrection and Relationality.

The other two projects I'm working on may also be of interest to readers of this blog. Both are books. One is a book I am editing and it includes chapters by Scot Mcknight, Jason Clark, Pete Rollins and myself. I'll tell you more about it later. The second book is one I started working on over a year ago and is currently laboring under the title Incurably Human. This one is a combination of coffee house philosophy, theology and spiritual autobiography. In it I puzzle over such things as suffering and evil, pluralism and tolerance, the Christian doctrine of hell, community and consumption, what it means to be moral, creation and evolution, what it means to be human, etc.

Summer has proven to be my most productive with respect to writing and research. What that means for this blog is that I am very likely to post only two or three times per month. I'd like to finish blogging my way through Tony Jones' The New Christians and follow that up with more topical posts. So stay tuned!!!!! I'll have another post on Tony's book before next week.

Looking forward to conversing with you again.


Stephen Krogh said...

Welcome back. I was worried that your sabbatical from blogging had broken the habit.

Anonymous said...

I've missed your blogs. I have to advise you to read N.T. Wright's Surprised By Hope. It's a read that reminded me of your thoughts on here, and it tackles the ressurection in a very physical, skin and bone way.

Kevin Corcoran said...


Thanks! I'll be backkkkkkkkk.....
I've missed it, but it was a necessary break.


N.T. Wright's book is on my list of things to read this summer. In fact, I might even break into it next week.
I visited your blog and thought you might like to visit my friend and colleague Steve Matheson's blog (if you haven't already). It's at
Check it out!
